1 /++
2     Various functions that do string manipulation.
4     Copyright: [JR](https://github.com/zorael)
5     License: [Boost Software License 1.0](https://www.boost.org/users/license.html)
7     Authors:
8         [JR](https://github.com/zorael)
9  +/
10 module kameloso..string;
12 private:
14 import dialect.defs : IRCClient;
15 import std.typecons : Flag, No, Yes;
17 public:
20 // stripSeparatedPrefix
21 /++
22     Strips a prefix word from a string, optionally also stripping away some
23     non-word characters (currently ":;?! ").
25     This is to make a helper for stripping away bot prefixes, where such may be
26     "kameloso: ".
28     Example:
29     ---
30     string prefixed = "kameloso: sudo MODE +o #channel :user";
31     string command = prefixed.stripSeparatedPrefix("kameloso");
32     assert((command == "sudo MODE +o #channel :user"), command);
33     ---
35     Params:
36         line = String line prefixed with `prefix`, potentially including
37             separating characters.
38         prefix = Prefix to strip.
39         demandSep = Makes it a necessity that `line` is followed
40             by one of the prefix letters ": !?;". If it isn't, the `line` string
41             will be returned as is.
43     Returns:
44         The passed line with the `prefix` sliced away.
45  +/
46 auto stripSeparatedPrefix(
47     const string line,
48     const string prefix,
49     const Flag!"demandSeparatingChars" demandSep = Yes.demandSeparatingChars) pure
50 in (prefix.length, "Tried to strip separated prefix but no prefix was given")
51 {
52     import lu.string : nom, strippedLeft;
53     import std.algorithm.comparison : among;
54     import std.meta : aliasSeqOf;
56     enum separatingChars = ": !?;";  // In reasonable order of likelihood
58     string slice = line.strippedLeft;  // mutable
60     // the onus is on the caller that slice begins with prefix, else this will throw
61     slice.nom!(Yes.decode)(prefix);
63     if (demandSep)
64     {
65         // Return the whole line, a non-match, if there are no separating characters
66         // (at least one of the chars in separatingChars)
67         if (!slice.length || !slice[0].among!(aliasSeqOf!separatingChars)) return line;
68     }
70     while (slice.length && slice[0].among!(aliasSeqOf!separatingChars))
71     {
72         slice = slice[1..$];
73     }
75     return slice.strippedLeft(separatingChars);
76 }
78 ///
79 unittest
80 {
81     immutable lorem = "say: lorem ipsum".stripSeparatedPrefix("say");
82     assert((lorem == "lorem ipsum"), lorem);
84     immutable notehello = "note!!!! zorael hello".stripSeparatedPrefix("note");
85     assert((notehello == "zorael hello"), notehello);
87     immutable sudoquit = "sudo quit :derp".stripSeparatedPrefix("sudo");
88     assert((sudoquit == "quit :derp"), sudoquit);
90     /*immutable eightball = "8ball predicate?".stripSeparatedPrefix("");
91     assert((eightball == "8ball predicate?"), eightball);*/
93     immutable isnotabot = "kamelosois a bot".stripSeparatedPrefix("kameloso");
94     assert((isnotabot == "kamelosois a bot"), isnotabot);
96     immutable isabot = "kamelosois a bot"
97         .stripSeparatedPrefix("kameloso", No.demandSeparatingChars);
98     assert((isabot == "is a bot"), isabot);
100     immutable doubles = "kameloso            is a snek"
101         .stripSeparatedPrefix("kameloso");
102     assert((doubles == "is a snek"), doubles);
103 }
106 // replaceTokens
107 /++
108     Apply some common text replacements. Used on part and quit reasons.
110     Params:
111         line = String to replace tokens in.
112         client = The current [dialect.defs.IRCClient|IRCClient].
114     Returns:
115         A modified string with token occurrences replaced.
116  +/
117 auto replaceTokens(const string line, const IRCClient client) @safe pure nothrow
118 {
119     import kameloso.constants : KamelosoInfo;
120     import std.array : replace;
122     return line
123         .replaceTokens
124         .replace("$nickname", client.nickname);
125 }
127 ///
128 unittest
129 {
130     import kameloso.constants : KamelosoInfo;
131     import std.format : format;
133     IRCClient client;
134     client.nickname = "harbl";
136     {
137         immutable line = "asdf $nickname is kameloso version $version from $source";
138         immutable expected = "asdf %s is kameloso version %s from %s"
139             .format(client.nickname, cast(string)KamelosoInfo.version_,
140                 cast(string)KamelosoInfo.source);
141         immutable actual = line.replaceTokens(client);
142         assert((actual == expected), actual);
143     }
144     {
145         immutable line = "";
146         immutable expected = "";
147         immutable actual = line.replaceTokens(client);
148         assert((actual == expected), actual);
149     }
150     {
151         immutable line = "blerp";
152         immutable expected = "blerp";
153         immutable actual = line.replaceTokens(client);
154         assert((actual == expected), actual);
155     }
156 }
159 // replaceTokens
160 /++
161     Apply some common text replacements. Used on part and quit reasons.
162     Overload that doesn't take an [dialect.defs.IRCClient|IRCClient] and as such can't
163     replace `$nickname`.
165     Params:
166         line = String to replace tokens in.
168     Returns:
169         A modified string with token occurrences replaced.
170  +/
171 auto replaceTokens(const string line) @safe pure nothrow
172 {
173     import kameloso.constants : KamelosoInfo;
174     import std.array : replace;
176     return line
177         .replace("$version", cast(string)KamelosoInfo.version_)
178         .replace("$source", cast(string)KamelosoInfo.source);
179 }
182 // replaceRandom
183 /++
184     Replaces `$random` and `$random(i..n)` tokens in a string with corresponding
185     random values.
187     If given only `$random`, a value between the passed `defaultLowerBound` inclusive
188     to `defaultUpperBound` exclusive is substituted, whereas if a range of
189     `$random(i..n)` is given, a value between `i` inclusive and `n` exclusive is
190     substituted.
192     On syntax errors, or if `n` is not greater than `i`, the original line is
193     silently returned.
195     Params:
196         line = String to replace tokens in.
197         defaultLowerBound = Default lower bound when no range given.
198         defaultUpperBound = Default upper bound when no range given.
200     Returns:
201         A new string with occurences of `$random` and `$random(i..n)` replaced,
202         or the original string if there were no changes made.
203  +/
204 auto replaceRandom(
205     const string line,
206     const long defaultLowerBound = 0,
207     const long defaultUpperBound = 100) @safe
208 {
209     import std.conv : text;
210     import std.random : uniform;
211     import std.string : indexOf;
213     immutable randomPos = line.indexOf("$random");
215     if (randomPos == -1)
216     {
217         // No $random token
218         return line;
219     }
221     if (line.length > randomPos)
222     {
223         immutable openParen = randomPos + "$random".length;
225         if (line.length == openParen)
226         {
227             immutable randomNumber = uniform(defaultLowerBound, defaultUpperBound);
228             return text(line[0..randomPos], randomNumber);
229         }
230         else if (line[openParen] == '(')
231         {
232             immutable dots = line.indexOf("..", openParen);
234             if (dots != -1)
235             {
236                 immutable endParen = line.indexOf(')', dots);
238                 if (endParen != -1)
239                 {
240                     try
241                     {
242                         import std.conv : to;
244                         immutable lowerBound = line[openParen+1..dots].to!long;
245                         immutable upperBound = line[dots+2..endParen].to!long;
246                         immutable randomNumber = uniform(lowerBound, upperBound);
247                         return text(line[0..randomPos], randomNumber, line[endParen+1..$]);
248                     }
249                     catch (Exception _)
250                     {
251                         return line;
252                     }
253                 }
254             }
255         }
256         else if (line[openParen] == ' ')
257         {
258             immutable randomNumber = uniform(defaultLowerBound, defaultUpperBound);
259             return text(line[0..randomPos], randomNumber, line[openParen..$]);
260         }
261     }
263     return line;
264 }
266 ///
267 unittest
268 {
269     import lu.string : nom;
270     import std.conv : to;
272     {
273         enum line = "$random bottles of beer on the wall";
274         string replaced = line.replaceRandom();  // mutable
275         immutable number = replaced.nom(' ').to!int;
276         assert(((number >= 0) && (number < 100)), number.to!string);
277     }
278     {
279         enum line = "$random(100..200) bottles of beer on the wall";
280         string replaced = line.replaceRandom();  // mutable
281         immutable number = replaced.nom(' ').to!int;
282         assert(((number >= 100) && (number < 200)), number.to!string);
283     }
284     {
285         enum line = "$random(-20..-10) bottles of beer on the wall";
286         string replaced = line.replaceRandom();  // mutable
287         immutable number = replaced.nom(' ').to!int;
288         assert(((number >= -20) && (number < -10)), number.to!string);
289     }
290     /*{
291         static if (__VERSION__ > 2089L)
292         {
293             // Fails pre-2.090 with Error: signed integer overflow
294             enum line = "$random(-9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807) bottles of beer on the wall";
295             string replaced = line.replaceRandom();  // mutable
296             immutable number = replaced.nom(' ').to!long;
297             //assert(((number >= cast(long)-9223372036854775808) && (number < 9223372036854775807)), number.to!string);
298         }
299     }*/
300     {
301         // syntax error, no bounds given
302         enum line = "$random() bottles of beer on the wall";
303         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
304         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
305     }
306     {
307         // syntax error, no closing paren
308         enum line = "$random( bottles of beer on the wall";
309         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
310         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
311     }
312     {
313         // syntax error, no upper bound given
314         enum line = "$random(0..) bottles of beer on the wall";
315         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
316         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
317     }
318     {
319         // syntax error, no boudns given
320         enum line = "$random(..) bottles of beer on the wall";
321         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
322         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
323     }
324     {
325         // syntax error, missing closing paren
326         enum line = "$random(0..100 bottles of beer on the wall";
327         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
328         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
329     }
330     {
331         // syntax error, parens include text
332         enum line = "$random(0..100 bottles of beer on the wall)";
333         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
334         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
335     }
336     {
337         // syntax error, i == n
338         enum line = "$random(0..0) bottles of beer on the wall";
339         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
340         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
341     }
342     {
343         // syntax error, i > n
344         enum line = "$random(2..1) bottles of beer on the wall";
345         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
346         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
347     }
348     {
349         // empty string
350         enum line = string.init;
351         string replaced = line.replaceRandom();
352         assert(!replaced.length, replaced);
353     }
354     {
355         // no $random token
356         enum line = "99 bottles of beer on the wall";
357         immutable replaced = line.replaceRandom();
358         assert((replaced == line), replaced);
359     }
360 }
363 // doublyBackslashed
364 /++
365     Returns the supplied string with any backslashes doubled. This is to make
366     paths on Windows display properly.
368     Merely returns the given string on Posix and other non-Windows platforms.
370     Example:
371     ---
372     string path = r"c:\Windows\system32";
373     assert(path.doublyBackslashed == r"c:\\Windows\\system32");
374     ---
376     Params:
377         path = The original path string with only single backslashes.
379     Returns:
380         The passed `path` but doubly backslashed.
381  +/
382 auto doublyBackslashed(const string path)
383 {
384     if (!path.length) return path;
386     version(Windows)
387     {
388         import std.array : replace;
389         import std.string : indexOf;
391         string slice = path.replace('\\', r"\\");
393         while (slice.indexOf(r"\\\\") != -1)
394         {
395             slice = slice.replace(r"\\\\", r"\\");
396         }
398         return slice;
399     }
400     else
401     {
402         return path;
403     }
404 }
406 ///
407 version(Windows)
408 unittest
409 {
410     {
411         enum path = r"c:\windows\system32";
412         enum expected = r"c:\\windows\\system32";
413         immutable actual = path.doublyBackslashed;
414         assert((actual == expected), actual);
415     }
416     {
417         enum path = r"c:\Users\blerp\AppData\Local\kameloso\server\irc.chat.twitch.tv";
418         enum expected = r"c:\\Users\\blerp\\AppData\\Local\\kameloso\\server\\irc.chat.twitch.tv";
419         immutable actual = path.doublyBackslashed;
420         assert((actual == expected), actual);
421     }
422     {
423         enum path = r"c:\\windows\\system32";
424         enum expected = r"c:\\windows\\system32";
425         immutable actual = path.doublyBackslashed;
426         assert((actual == expected), actual);
427     }
428 }