Exception thrown when an IRC plugin failed to initialise itself or its resources.
Exception thrown when an IRC plugin failed to have its settings set.
Changes a setting of a plugin, given both the names of the plugin and the setting, in string form.
Catch an IRCUser, saving it to the IRCPlugin's IRCPluginState.users array.
Construct and enqueue a function replay in the plugin's queue of such.
Returns either the nickname or the account of a user, depending on whether the account is known.
Returns either the nickname or the account of a user, depending on whether the account is known. Overload that looks up the passed nickname in the passed plugin's users associative array of IRCUsers.
Returns either the nickname or the display name of a user, depending on whether the display name is known or not.
Returns either the nickname or the display name of a user, depending on whether the display name is known or not. Overload that looks up the passed nickname in the passed plugin's users associative array of IRCUsers.
Returns a meaningful basename of a plugin filename.
Returns the name of a plugin based on its filename.
Rehashes a plugin's users, both the ones in the IRCPluginState.users
associative array and the ones in each dialect.defs.IRCChannel.users associative arrays.
Convenience function that returns a kameloso.plugins.common.core.Replay of the right type, *with* a subclass plugin reference attached.
The is not a plugin by itself but contains code common to all plugins, without which they will *not* function.